Millbank Gardens

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School Uniform

Millbank Gardens Primary Academy aims to encourage children to take pride in belonging to our school community. For this reason, children in Reception wear school uniform.

When is school uniform worn?

Children are expected to wear the correct uniform when they are attending school, including when travelling to and from school, and while on trips organised by the school (unless they are advised otherwise). On days when children have P.E., they should come into school wearing their P.E. kit; they are not asked to bring their school uniform with them. If a child is unable to wear certain items (for example, for medical reasons), their parents/carers are asked to speak to the Principal.

Where can I purchase school uniform?

Our Academy jumper, cardigan and tie must be purchased from:

To keep our uniforms as affordable as possible, only these items must be purchased from specific companies. All other items may be purchased from any retailer. They are all widely available, both online and in clothing stores & larger supermarkets. In addition, our PTA organises regular second-hand uniform sales. If you wish to purchase second-hand uniform at another time, please ask in the school office, and we shall be able to arrange this.

School uniform in Reception
School uniform in Years 1 to 6